About the Journal

The Asian Congress for Media and Communication Journal
ISSN (Print) and ISSN-L 2094-2125, ISSN (ONLINE) 2799-0389

Publisher: Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC)
communication, media studies, and languages
Policy: Double-blind, Peer-Reviewed Academic Publication
Medium: Print (By Subscription) and Open Access (Electronic only)
Reach: International
Publication Frequency: Annual, December 15th each year
Abbreviated Key Title: ACMCJ

This is the official publication of ACMC. All articles are processed via a double-blind peer review. Priority is given to papers presented during the ACMC international conferences but unsolicited manuscripts are also accepted.

The Asian Congress for Media and Communication (ACMC) is an international professional organization in the fields of media, communication, language, and allied arts education. Membership is spread throughout Asia and the Pacific even as its conferences have attracted participants as far as Europe, Latin America, and Africa. Its primary purpose is to provide an avenue for academic discourse among institutions of media and communication. It is a non‐stock, non‐profit organization, registered under the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.

© Asian Congress for Media and Communication.
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